The intent of this blog is to promote human equality, human progress, human peace and justice, and optimism. To accomplish this, to encourage the discussion of ideas after identifying and discovering problems, and then creating positive solutions for "we the people," in order to provide for the "general welfare" and "domestic tranquility" of America now and its "posterity" into the future. To encourage an emphasis on separation of religion and state for all, no matter if this is for those "of faith" in a Maker / Creator (Deists, God-loving people, Christians, various people of spirituality) and atheists or agnostics.

Archive for July, 2023

Background & Solutions for America, Land I love

My American progenitor ancestor was named Thomas Cornell. As feuding began in England between Anglican Catholic followers of Queen Elizabeth and King James, Catholics subservient to the archbishop (?) of Rome (known as pope), and Puritans like Oliver Cromwell. Before Charles I was beheaded and the English civil war was fought. 

Thomas Cornell’s family escaped the tribulations of civil war by moving to Massachusetts Bay Colony and what is now downtown Boston. 

Thomas opened tavern in Boston. By the time Cromwell’s son relinquished position of Lord Protector and Charles II re-took throne, many Puritans fled and moved to Boston. 

As a result, these Puritans were creeps and control freaks with a desire to control other people’s lives by forcing others to do as they want.

People like Roger Williams and Baptists, with Anne Hutchinson. Were banished from Boston. 

Because Thomas Cornell refused to follow orders of anti-alcohol prohibitionists and close his tavern when they ordered it to be closed, Thomas and his family were banished from Boston, so they joined Williams and Hutchinson in the area known today as Rhode Island. 

Cornell built a home on a waterway where there was ease of access to transport commerce.  Thomas died in late 1600s. His wife, Hannah Briggs Cornell inherited home. The oldest son was Thomas Cornell, Jr. 

Thomas, Jr’s line of descent is the line for Ezra Cornell of Cornell University. 

My line of descent is by way of Thomas Cornell’s (Sr) son named Richard. Richard had moved to Flushing on Long Island. Rose were the years of the Dutch colony. Richard Cornell’s name was pronounced in Dutch way as Corne-velle. Thus, our branch became Cornwell. Those who remained many years in Rhode Island continued with name of Cornell, even after moving to New York and central New York following American Revolution.

In Rhode Island, in order to confiscate the Cornell property, puritanical ones were likely behind death of widow Rebecca Cornell and setting up an honest man as murderer of Rebecca. They had Thomas, Jr, wrongly executed with lies based on ghosts or apparitions. 

It is known that puritanical creeps pushed such actions and accusations about witchcraft so as to confiscate property, as puritanical Fidel Castro did in Cuba. Dictators. Pushing authoritarianism based on selfishness and greed, just as Hiitler also did in Germany in the 1930s. Just as Trump, DeSantis, with Republican goons attempt to do by firing up puritanical creepy control freaks today. 

Puritans don’t truly believe in love as taught by Jesus Christ, but believe the world only works well if everyone denounces alcohol, drugs. LGBTQ, abortions, drag shows, true history about people of color and Jews, and immigrants; all who don’t believe as authoritarian Puritans believe. 

MAGA and Trump, with others, maintain and endorse  thoughts just like puritanical dictators of the 20th Century did. As Putin (pu(ri)tin) with puritanical Russian Orthodox church does. 

This “new world order” was pushed by Anti-Christ GHW Bush with his false thousand lights. Too many stupid people, pushed by multi-million dollar evangelists and TV evangelists have grabbed hold of the BS of this “new world order.”

Their method is divide and conquer. They perpetrate the destruction of true Christians, many who endorse progressive Christian ideas, while these true Christians, due to loud voices of puritanical ones, are stereotyped as being evil and chase people away because they are confused about who God is and such people become atheists who even attack progressive Christians. Divide and conquer, in the name of the puritanical Anti-Christ. 

These puritanical control freaks, with divide and conquer attitudes, are destroying America by dividing America. Their methods involve sabotaging good people like President Biden and Democrats in their goals to solve America’s problems by learning from history and applying what is learned in order to help America progress through the 21st Century in a humanitarian way. All for the sake of generations to come.

If I point out how history teaches us that 18th and 19th Century wealthy Americans endorsed paying taxes and contributed their wealth for the sake of America, am I going to be squelched by puritanical ones who defend the wealthy greedy brats today and call my analysis politics and don’t allow my teaching of history? 

Perhaps such puritanical brats won’t allow me to explain how a  wealthy person named Royal W. Clinton gave his money to build a PUBLIC high school after taxpayers voted it down? Because wealthy ones today don’t follow words of assassinated President JFK who said, “ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country, ” so therefore I am censored because, as puritanical creeps cast aspersions on me as “talking politics?” It is to learn from history, not talking politics, so go shove those thoughts where the sun don’t shine.

Or maybe learning from history is about considering that America was wrongly sent to Vietnam by the influence of greedy Texas oil men, so we need to consider whether we still fight over oil and pipelines for oil? I am squelched, censored in saying this because of finding evidence in history from which America can learn from this history. It is called censorship based on, “we don’t talk about politics.” In other words, destroy democracy by not allowing people to learn from history because it is “politics” and being part of a democracy. 

Politics is democracy so I don’t accept killing politics because it destroys democracy.

It is better to return the Fairness Doctrine which was unilaterally destroyed by fascist loving puritanical control freak and creep GHW Bush who was like the Manchurian candidate. For the Fairness Doctrine was designed to endorse freedom of speech, but to stop lies, hatred, slander from being told by making certain any of that shit had to have a counterpoint with truth or else could not be aired or printed.

Eliminate gerrymandering by creating congressional district based on geographic jurisdiction in which boundaries remain static, but dynamic changes made each decade by changing the weighted ratio of each representative when voting. No more gerrymandering, which is NOT a provision of the U.S. Constitution.

Puritanical Authoritarianism in USA Needs to be Stopped: Learning From History

Europe is safer than the USA. Regulates guns. Less DUI due to larger public transit system. Has same violent video games as USA

 Discusses sexual identity. Has drag shows. Allows younger folk to drink alcohol so as to teach attitudes of consumption. Some areas regulate drugs illicit here. Allow abortions. Allow full frontal nudity, even in advertisements. Are not overwhelmed by brutish prudish puritanical control freaks. Don’t censor history and books by casting aspersions about politics upon people. 

In the midst of this, it is safer in Europe than in America. 

Don’t hate me for saying this, but learn from what I say and change creepy puritanical attitudes in America. I salute the red, white, and blue. I do a really sensational rendition of the National anthem, America the Beautiful, and My Country Tis of Thee. My ancestors believed in giving their wealth to America and being wealthy, to pay taxes.

We are the true Patriots of America, not the loud mouths of MAGA and others who spew hatred and censorship on anyone who disagrees with the puritanical way.