The intent of this blog is to promote human equality, human progress, human peace and justice, and optimism. To accomplish this, to encourage the discussion of ideas after identifying and discovering problems, and then creating positive solutions for "we the people," in order to provide for the "general welfare" and "domestic tranquility" of America now and its "posterity" into the future. To encourage an emphasis on separation of religion and state for all, no matter if this is for those "of faith" in a Maker / Creator (Deists, God-loving people, Christians, various people of spirituality) and atheists or agnostics.

Posts tagged ‘true democracy’

I Support President Obama and the Democrats

I support our leader, President Barack Obama.  I support most of the ideals of the Democratic Party.

I find the Republican Party message to be offensive and fascist.  It’s a message from a bunch of people unwilling to negotiate, whether those negotiations take place across the aisles in Congress, at a collective bargaining negotiation session, or at the diplomatic negotiating sessions in the Middle East.

I am against handouts, so therefore find some of what Democrats support to be offensive. But it’s far better than what I hear on the Republican side, particularly the narrow vision of the Republicans with regard to civil rights and related social issues.

I would prefer to see a Federal agency like the WPA replace unemployment benefits.  I would prefer to see the military spend some of its money on “defense” projects such as our American infrastructure which, when could reverse crumbling infrastructure such as dams and levies (to name a few) which leave us vulnerable in some situations.  The Army Corps of Engineers, for instance, could handle such projects.  I would prefer a mandatory 2-year military service time for all American youth and part of that could be work on infrastructure projects.

I would prefer such projects provide enough money to feed those who are involved in them.

But I have heard no such proposals from EITHER of the political parties.  Nevertheless, based on historical facts about the impact of these two political parties, I choose the Democrats.

I don’t make my decision based on a candidate’s personality, although there are times when that does make a difference.

I don’t make my decision based solely on the person, but I make my decision based on the people who surround the person.  There are racist and bigoted goons surrounding Romney and Ryan.  I don’t like hateful, mean-spirited people and recognize that a vote for Romney / Ryan provides ammunition and power to such goons.

I also recognize that we are human beings and at times need to recognize that President Obama is not perfect.  I need to reduce the expectation of perfection.  My apologies to the president for comments I made on this blog  a year or so ago.  But it is tough, at times, to deal with what is heard coming from the fat negative putrid mouths of many of the president’s detractors.  I do remain consistent in attacking such negativity and false commentary.

6 August 2011

If millions of people believe false and stupid information, it does not suddenly make that information correct.  It just means that many people are stupid and unable to discern fact from fiction.

If a large number of people wish to use a “simple majority” to impose rules and regulations upon a minority of people, this is NOT democracy, but is no different from the genocide imposed by Hitler upon minorities and upon the genocide imposed by Saddam Hussein upon the Kurdish people.

Just because a “simple majority” makes a decision which adversely impacts a group of people, does not validate the decision as one of democracy.  The best example of this is:  Dixie Jim Crow Laws imposed by a “simple majority” of white folks upon people with a different color of skin.  Another example of this:  denial of homosexual monogamous relationships and the legal contracts which define such relationships and allow people in those relationships to adopt children and create a family (also called same-sex marriage).

To invoke Jim Crow Laws and exclusive heterosexual marriage laws – or any laws that adversely impact a minority of people, there should be a UNANIMOUS decision by all involved with the issue.  Period.  Then true democracy has been practiced.  So why do we waste our government tax dollars considering such stupid issues when there are more pressing issues at hand?

25 July 2011

Solutions for America

Eliminate the Electoral College.  Eliminate the presidential political conventions.  A waste of money.  Consolidate all presidential primaries into one national one the beginning of October, with an election day holiday for all.  Hold the presidential election in November as always, but make election day a holiday for all.  Replace the Electoral College with a third election holiday – a runoff election of the top two candidates for president.  Open up the field for qualified candidates not tied to a political party.  Let the people decide in a true democracy.  Eliminate the money which now provides all the decisions.  Sounds simplistic.  It is.  So let’s do it.  Simplify the election process and throw away the lawyers and greedy Ayn Rand moneymakers who make it too complex.

20 July 2011

Fascist Michelle and Her Buddies

No one forces Michelle Bachman or others to have same-sex relationships.  But people like the Bachmans disturb and deny people their rights to the pursuit of “life, liberty, and happiness” by judging and claiming they can “convert” and “change” gay people.

The only “choice” a gay person has is to remain in the closet or come out of it.  When people like the Bachmans and the religious right use fear and intimidation – claiming their “love” for fellow human beings – they remove that choice from many people who just want to live in a free society and not bother other people.  BTW.  Holding hands and showing affection, as with heterosexual relationships, should not bother other people.  No one forces those others to show such affections.  In fact the only forcefulness for heterosexuals to feel compelled to show affection is to demonstrate, “we are not gay.”  That is stupid and ignorant – of people who are stupid and ignorant and are unable to come to grips with themselves.

My life was one of being subliminally forced into heterosexual relationships – because that was what society of the 1960s and 1970s dictated.  In reality, I may have had the ABILITY to choose, but societal pressures, such as those Bachman (the bitch) and others wish to impose on people in our society are sick.  It is Bachman and others who are perverted and have perverted all sense of reasoning by trying to force people to return to those days when society “spoke softly but carried a big stick” when homosexuals got out of line and actually THOUGHT about something different than a heterosexual relationship.

It is ironic I would use the statement of my hero, Teddy Roosevelt, to make a point here.  But the religious right have taken TR’s statement about carrying a big stick to high levels of negativity – to validate their position.  In reality, TR was all about civil rights.  He was booed in Georgia when he proposed the equality of white and black people.  He was instrumental in creating some of the first child labor laws.  He did positive things about human rights by “speaking softly and carrying a big stick.”  The fascists today (which includes Bachman and most Republicans today) use TR’s statements in a negative way – against a mere 10% of the population.  What a bunch of bullies and cowards.

Democracy is NOT about imposing the will of the majority in a negative manner upon a minority.  TR recognized this, but today’s ignorant Americans refuse to recognize this.  The GLBT community makes up about 10% of the population.  Just because there might be a simple majority which wishes to remove the “life, liberty and pursuit of happiness from this small group,” does not make the measures of such fascists who mis-lead the population as being correct.

TR, with his native Georgian wife, tried to stop the woes of Jim Crow Laws in the South, but was booed.   The GLBT community today stands up for its rights to have a life which allows these people to NOT conform to the closeted promiscuity, but rather to marry and to have children.   But negative people such as Bachman, in their false judgmental attitudes, rally up ignorant Americans to follow her negative ways – along with other similar candidates.  They mock the original roots of the Republican Party – as do the other Tea Party people.  TR, too, saw this mockery and split the party in two pieces exactly 100 years ago.

The ones who REALLY need to be ashamed are the black folks who support such hatred and figure this is some kind of “personal opinion.”  It was not an opinion when people imposed Jim Crow Laws on black people, no more than it is an opinion to impose fascist ideas against the GLBT community.  Shame on any black American who supports this horse shit because they forget those white people like TR who attempted to remove the chains from the black folks in the early 20th century.