The intent of this blog is to promote human equality, human progress, human peace and justice, and optimism. To accomplish this, to encourage the discussion of ideas after identifying and discovering problems, and then creating positive solutions for "we the people," in order to provide for the "general welfare" and "domestic tranquility" of America now and its "posterity" into the future. To encourage an emphasis on separation of religion and state for all, no matter if this is for those "of faith" in a Maker / Creator (Deists, God-loving people, Christians, various people of spirituality) and atheists or agnostics.

Posts tagged ‘democracy’

“Now why’d you choose such a backward time … And such a strange land?”

In the 1970s, the rock musical, Jesus Christ Superstar was introduced. I purchased the original vinyl album. I have seen the on-stage productions of this rock musical.

At the time JCS was released, we had two students from Cortland State College, student teachers at our high school, boarding with us. I had purchased the album. I found these two guys interesting to speak with about the music of JCS. Many discussions ensued, in addition to discussions about history because the two of them were history history education majors.

Lyrics in JCS were a good description. But I recall the few which asked questions. For example, “Now why’d you choose such a backward time … And such a strange land?” As a junior in high school, it was difficult to answer those questions.

As my life has progressed and I have maintained my faith in God, I believe I have, with wisdom, developed a HYPOTHETICAL answer to those questions. Hypothetical means there is no certainty, but there is plenty of evidence to determine a hypothesis. So we seek wisdom about it.

My wisdom of age, created by humble learning over time, has provided me with a possible answer. Today, we have people who lie, slander, and libel other good people, based on a love of money and materialism. Love of money is evil. Money is NOT evil. Profits are NOT evil, except when done solely for the love of money. I have read about this and learned about this over time.

Guidelines for a civilized society work in creating a civilized society. It is not a perfect solution, but it helps overcome the evils of the selfishness and greed of egomaniacs with a love and worship of money.

The Roman Empire is known as being one of the most brutal and vicious group of people to control a portion of the world which has ever existed. Am I certain about this? No. But I have humbly learned, over time, about this and gained wisdom. There is plenty of evidence and facts to support what I say. Some folks may feel biased against what I say, so go ahead and shoot me down. What will you accomplish in an attempt to find the truth?

The Roman Empire was in control of Israel during the 1st Century. As a Christian all my life, I am aware of most of the teachings of Jesus Christ and consider Him to be the “word” of God made flesh. I consider that Christ came here to be the “light of the world.” Those are MY beliefs and I am not FORCING you, as vicious people do, to believe what I believe.

I feel I have to say all of this because the egomaniacs of the world just work to shoot holes, as if I want control. It’s those people who shoot holes in hypothetical theories, based on their own egotistical bias, who are likely the perverts who wish to control others.

But this brings me to answering that question in the JCS rock musical: “Now why’d you choose such a backward time
And such a strange land?” It was due to the opposition our Deity had to how a group of people are treated badly by those who seek power over others in corrupt and evil ways with a love AND WORSHIP of money.

In my belief, based on what I have learned over time, including Thomas Jefferson’s (remember him? one of the USA’s FOUNDING FATHERS?) documentation about the Gospels. This is a Deity who imparts the message that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely (not words from God, but words from human beings who recognize a Deity more powerful than humans; a Deity which imparts a love for His/Her children. (Strange words to say, right? His/Her? God has not always been proven to be a “Father,” but a “Parent”).

Again. I do not expect one to feel controlled by my beliefs. But I also do not have an inkling of desire to follow the beliefs of bashers of other human beings as they resist coexistence.

The word of God became flesh. That is my belief system. The reason was to choose a place and time when one group of people were being controlled by perverted lovers of self and money, while the crowd went along and had the word of God executed. Perverted ones to convince the crowds were lawyers and religious leaders, all with a love of money. Money first. A Deity would choose that time and place to impart the message, as people suffered and were convinced by lovers of money to find a scapegoat.

But is it not possible that scapegoat was determined in order for a Deity to impart the message about loving one another (coexistence)? Is it not possible the message was also about human beings learning to reject those who are hypocrites and lovers of money?

Jesus Christ himself is quoted as hurling accusations at hypocrites of those days; Jesus Christ himself, with actions, not words, overturned tables of the money changers, lovers and worshipers of money. Yet, why is it we relinquish control to give it back to power mongers with a love of money and then blame our government? Even Jesus said, “render unto Caesar his due.” In other words, pay your taxes and look at something else besides scapegoats and a government as the reasons for our problems, out of fear of a “mafioso” in centralized businesses created by supply-side Reaganomics, destroying small business competition in the process.

Adam Smith wrote books about the creation of capitalism. Wealth of Nations and Theories of Moral Sentiments. Adam Smith also intently studied the words of Christ. Yet, the “sheep” in this world go along with the lovers of money who attain the power which corrupts and absolute power which corrupts absolutely. They do not even have knowledge of what Adam Smith wrote which was presented as an economic system with balance and a “moral sentiment” for a process in which humans predominate over money, as presented by Jesus Christ, and not the other way around (money over humans).

Today, we have in place, the SEC which allows the biggest stockholders to have more votes in a corporate stockholder meeting than the common folk who own the stock. It is like these people are money changers during the 1st Century when Jesus Christ walked the earth. They don’t give one damn about the common folk and cheat and lie to get their way. Same thing with those money changers of the 1st Century by not only selling in the temple, but also selling SHODDY and LOUSY animals for sacrifice on the altar.

For many of us, we have experienced the lousy way that those with the most stock have treated us. It was one of the many wars that the shoddy and corrupt people with the most stock, Republicans, pulled the rug out from beneath me and many others. They skimmed money off a cash cow of a company, so as to allow vicious other Republicans (primarily) to come in and buy out the company. The only ones to benefit were the shoddy fat pigs at the top, skimming the money off the corporation. Meanwhile, the rest of us stockholders were not even allowed in secret stockholder meetings held in Houston, Texas (for a Florida corporation) and many of us common folk then lost our stock holdings in the process.

How many times do I have to explain this to common folk, hoping to get support, rather than stupidity hurled at me, as well as hatred from common folk? How many times? And do we really need the return of Jesus Christ when we have the knowledge right here in front of us, given to us in the 1st Century? How many times do we have to pray for “Christ’s return.” A loving Deity may treat us kindly, but that Deity must wonder, “Gosh, I gave them the information when the word became flesh. Why do they not see it?” But I can’t speak for God, as so many TV evangelists and perverted proselytizers try to do – constantly.

My mother even had a problem with proselytizers in her life. But at least there were more people like my mother who understood. My generation and younger generations are apparently full of a bunch of stupid jerks who are not humble enough to learn by seeking knowledge and wisdom, but rely on the hearsay of Fox and other groups who push an end all for everything – a certainty that they have all the answers.

This is a lengthy message. I really don’t care if you don’t like it because it is. Those in the World War II generation and before would read essays of great length. They were able to demonstrate humility and learning for the sake of human beings over money.

JC, JC: “Now why’d you choose such a backward time … And such a strange land?” Because it took that type of environment to get many people to learn. W hat is the problem with those who don’t wish to learn today? Instead, they wish for an Armageddon to start all things over, when the proof is in a Deity who DID teach human beings and there is no excuse for not understanding it. Stop pushing us towards chaos with power and control from lovers and worshipers of money in the form of greedy, self-centered, egomaniac centrally-controlled dictatorial corporations run by an oligarchy. Because you are pushing us towards disaster by supporting such egomaniacs with power. Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. The foundations for these problems are not the government created by my ancestors and Founding Fathers. The problem is the oligarchy which attempts to take control of our government and take it out of the hands of the people. WE THE PEOPLE. And there are many of us who have wisdom and knowledge based on the TRUE DEITY and the TRUE Jesus Christ. Supply-side Reaganomics ultimately tosses away those of us who are followers of the true word of God made flesh because the ones who worship money are fearful of the loss of their power – a corrupt one which leads to absolute power which corrupts absolutely. And they become like the vicious Roman Empire of the past. Like the vicious rulers who come out of the hills of Russia.

“Now why’d you choose such a backward time… And such a strange land?” Is it for me to know and you to find out? Because the answer is there before us, just by studying and learning about the word of God made flesh. To learn that this happened and for a purpose.

I pity those who do not understand what I am saying. But that is okay. Because I won’t control you with my belief. I just try to teach. I am not a perfect teacher, but I sure to work towards wisdom, not certainty or purity.

I do this because my grandmother was always saying, “judge not lest you be judged.” But she always encouraged me to be a teacher. Praise the LORD for my grandmother and many others who have encouraged me in my life and offered me opportunities, not always handouts. The ones who provided a temporary safety net which may have been in the form of some handouts, but the word “temporary” is important to note here. Then I would encounter the “jubilee year.” Don’t know what “jubilee year” is? Then humble thyself and learn what it is. Would be good for those money lovers to consider when discussing student loan debt.

On and on I go. But I now understand what was meant in the questions found in lyrics of JC Superstar. “Now why’d you choose such a backward time … And such a strange land?” 🙏 đź––

Knowledge Conquers Fear


Dear Editors:

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.

People are being persuaded to vote for Republicans due to lies which create fear. If they don’t vote for Republicans, the grip of fear makes them uncomfortable to vote at all, so the Republicans win. The Republicans. The ones who gave us a SCOTUS which did not do justice, but dictated Citizens United upon us so Republicans can line their pockets with corporate PAC money. Democrats who don’t take such money are defeated by the fear factor of lies and slander of those opposed to Republicans. Republicans who lead the charge as “sheep in wolves clothing” and making everyone believe the government is at fault. The government is NOT at fault because, today, it is controlled by corporate PAC money emanating from lovers of money, the leaders of the “wolves in sheep’s clothing.” The Republicans calling themselves conservative do not agree with what this 18th-Century conservative said. They are not conservatives because true conservatives don’t want to invoke what existed in the past with regard to bigotry against race, religion, sexual identity. A true conservative looks at history and wants to LEARN from history because knowledge is more power than money because it also helps to eliminate the fear factor caused by liars and slanderers.

A bumper sticker incorrectly identifies with what Reagan said in 1981.  That government is the problem.  Wrong.  And I have evidence, proof and facts which demonstrate it is wrong.  Today, government is not the problem. For us “sheep-like” ones, too many are being mesmerized as it is. The corporate oligarchy created by supply-side Reaganomics and Alito and Scalia on the SCOTUS are the real problems.  They have destroyed capitalist competition, especially that from small businesses which built this nation. They line the pockets of Republicans with corporate PAC money, while Democrats attempt to win without such money.  The problem is NOT a government full of wolves, but a government controlled by corporate PAC money and people who are wolves in sheep’s clothing who put like type people – wolves in sheep’s clothing – into Congress.  Lovers of money, an evil aspect, have too much control. 

A bumper sticker identifying “wolves” with government is wrong.  With all due respect to those who are mesmerized by such a thing.  The bumper sticker should read, “the sheep are being controlled with false information by the corporate/business oligarchy consisting of sheep in wolves clothing.” 

Such wolves are handing out corporate PAC money to support their pitiful personal interests only.  They do this while taking money from the “sheep-like” who have invested for long-term capitalist investments in the form of pooled resources such as pensions, Social Security and Medicare. 

The bumper sticker about wolves and government is created by the lovers of money who mesmerize sheep-like ones into thinking the wrong people are eating their lunch and perhaps eating the sheep, too. 

Note the quote from Edmund Burke, a conservative from about two centuries ago. Here is a quote from an 18th-Century CONSERVATIVE.

Knowledge conquers fear.

Professor Douglas Willet Cornwell (Retired)

Newark Valley, NY

———————————“Love your neighbor as yourself.” “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” “The problems of the world are not that some people love in a different way. The problems are that so many people don’t know how to love at all (CGA, 1970).” A Puritan is someone in fear that someone, somewhere, is having a good time. “Liberty and justice for all [not priorities on individual and selfish rights].” “Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”  “We the people, in order to form a more perfect union [and overall wealth of American society]…” 
​Benjamin Franklin: “​Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are ​affected.” Stacey Abrams: “Compromise about actions, but not about values.”  Oscar Wilde: “​​​I have the simplest tastes. I am always satisfied with the best.”  Oscar Wilde: “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” Benjamin Franklin: “Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.”  Whoopi Goldberg: “To handle this COVID-19 pandemic effectively, we all need to get on the same page.”  Note: To be clear, I do not like being patronized. I do not express my disdain over what happens to my fellow humans just for my own sake and to pursue favors and handouts. I do it in order to gain R – E – S – P – E – C – T for me and for millions of other Americans of any race, ethnicity, religious belief, or sex and sexual identity who try to walk in integrity as they attempt to achieve, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  PERIOD.  One nation under God [our Creator] with liberty and justice for all.

Hidden Agendas and Who From the Puritanical Fascist Crowd Has and Maintains Them like Watergate Burglars?

I think people should be concerned enough to do something. It comes from hidden snipers online who are smart enough to re-set settings and change programming codes in my Microsoft 365 software.

The latest in Microsoft? One time rows of a worksheet can be sorted. Another time, the SAME PROCESS cannot be done and the “sort” capability grayed out. Why?

Apparently, Americans do not give a damn about their fellow human beings. After spreading the word about how there were other “networks” on my line and I could see them, rather than help me solve the problem, the number of outside and “hidden” networks increased. So, to be like Watergate burglars and push further, hoping I would not stand up for my humanistic convictions as to how we respect one another, walk in integrity, and have dignity for one another, it is humorous to just push more. Same with Democratic Party campaign signs being stolen by Repugnicans. Complain and they turn it up a notch, while everyone sits by, saying, “too bad, too bad” and SHUT UP.

Frederick Douglass did not shut up. Harriet Tubman did not shut up. Abraham Lincoln did not shut up. My 5tth cousin five times removed, Ezra Cornell, did not shut up. Teddy Roosevelt did not shut up, even to condemn his father TR, Sr., for not serving in the civil war. FDR did not shut up. MLK, Jr., did not shut up. JFK and RFK did not shut up. John Lewis did not shut up. Alcee Hastings did not shut up. Thurgood Marshall did not shut up. Nancy Pelosi did not shut up. Etc., etc., etc.

All of these examples are of people who stuck to their their humanistic convictions about human justice, human equality, and respect for fellow human beings. Many such people stuck to their convictions against supply-side economics, whether white supremacist fat pig slave owners in Dixie or fat pig sweat shop owners in the North or fat pig robber barons such as those which exist today who refuse to pay their fair share of taxes and work to destroy things which are good for the common folk.

The ones today consist of the fat pigs in big pharma, fat pigs of big oil, fat pigs of big health insurance companies, the fat pigs of lawyers who block the establishment of healthcare for all while they line their pockets by proclaiming their opposition to big fat pig insurance, the fat pigs of local news and information newspapers who deliberately line their pockets by reducing local content and laying off good librarians and investigative reporters, fat pigs of technology, energy, hospitals and clinics with their organizations formed from M&A into centralized organizations which destroy small business and public entities which created a greater sense of taking America for the greatness it had, not the greatness of vicious and bullying white supremacists and bigoted pigs… More….

This all produces centralized supply-side economics on the model of communist Cuba and communist China and communist North Korea. It’s also on the model of the former Soviet Union which still exists today, with Putin.

In this process of elimination of the market demand-side consumers, these fat pigs DEMAND of the consumers and tell consumers what makes them happy. While stupid consumers on the market DEMAND-side swallow this drivel and vote for fascist vicious Repugnicans who don’t know how to address the issues and smear their opponents with slander and lies, so they can get to Congress and be on the take of the big fat pigs of big pharma, big oil, big health conglomerates, etc.

Rupert Murdoch’s newspaper is still printed and available in stores, while the good newspapers like local ones and the New York Times (etc.) are NOT available to inform the common folk who take an interest in life. Meanwhile, Murdoch has been quoted as having a desire to “destroy local news and information” by destroying local ownership of local media.

This all has to stop by people not just talking about “moral convictions.” That is too ambiguous. Talk about standing firm for convictions tailored to human equality, human justice, human dignity, human respect, and human integrity for walking with one another in the human race. Talk about providing opportunities for fellow human beings, not just handouts. We the people, not we the big fat pigs of big corporations as represented by Alito and the bastards of the SCOTUS who FORCED Citizens United down our throats like big fat dictators telling us what it takes to be happy.

To challenge me in what I am saying here, i get crap of “get a life” or “get a grip” upon me, as if I am not happy with the blessings I have. People put these wonderful quotes on Facebook. The quotes are beautiful. But do they get to those who need an attitude adjustment among the common folk? If they did, we would have seen different results in this past election with people intelligent enough to differentiate right from wrong when Repugnicans smear the images of good people and are not able to address the issues because they fear being revealed for their hidden agenda from pocketing money from the big fat pigs of supply-side economics and their monopolizing corporations which destroy local business, healthcare for all, public education for all. We the people. How many times do I have to say this? Not for the least common denominator of “we the people.” We the people means to address ALL people the best that can be done. Small businesses, not monopolized big centrally controlled corporations, as has been proven, has been the best way for America to achieve this.

Even former General and President Ike Eisenhower warned us not to let the military-industrial complex develop. We did anyway as we allowed centralized big corporations of all kinds to develop. Likely, this was more than Ike could probably have imagined.

Hillary says “it takes a village.” That is correct. This notion challenges the notions that about how it only takes white supremacists, big fat pigs and others to make a nation great. And the big fat pigs don’t like Hillary for saying that. Well may they be damned and go to h-e-double-hockey-sticks with their stupidity backed up by those with puritanical mindsets based on traditionalism only.

Or, perhaps we need to take baseball bats to the knees of such lousy people (he says in a facetious manner).

You know the ones who get all wrapped up in proclaiming that rules necessary to wipe out prurient interests while we have big fat pigs, lords over media, handing weapons, violence, blood, guts, and gore into our eyes within the media, more frequently than nudity, sex, or other “prurient” interests. And when nudity is portrayed, we see fig leaves in the form of blurred images, in programs like Naked and Afraid, while we are SUBJECTED TO and have it THRUST IN OUR FACES very violent scenes with people getting knifed or gunned down, whether real or fictional programs.

With all of this, let me return to my original comments about what is on my mind. Changes to settings and programmed apps by vicious, terrible people hidden by wired and wireless communications. That is what this message is about. So go get a grip and make things worse, rather than work to improve all of what I outline here. I get a grip. My grip is on sticking to my humanist convictions of “we the people” as being more important than what is imposed on us by big fat pigs who have slaves of punishment serving them, whether hidden online or removing political signs out of fear that Democrats might be elected, not to address issues which are of concern to we the people and human beings overall. And such dolts who do what I describe here and never being able to take notice of how to differentiate between right and wrong when it comes to a civilized human society with an inclination towards survival of the fittest of the entire human race in our dominion over non-humans such as animals, insects, etc. We are all human beings, so let’s work to help one another and not take an interest in crap like rules of puritanical and prudish ways. Rules about how humans can get along with one another and coexist – these are the reasons for what I describe.

Sadness Rates in the World (and America)


Dear Editors:

I have read David Brooks columns for many years.  I have listened to David Brooks commentary Friday evenings on PBS.  Many times I see eye to eye with Brooks’s somewhat more conservative ideas.  Many times I don’t see eye to eye with Brooks.  That is what America is about.  Considering commentary (sometimes opinion, too), learning and gaining wisdom, and synthesizing into our own thoughts. 

There is no way we can always see eye to eye with a person 100% of the time.  Whether that person is our spouse or just a friend or acquaintance, we can never be in agreement 100% of the time.  That is the way things should be, but they are not, as fascist Republicans use scare tactics to mesmerize the minds with opioid treatment. 

With this being said (and extending my message with more words), I now must comment about the commentary, with facts, presented by Mr. Brooks on 2 Nov. 2022.  His facts are about a “grim tide of sadness” in the world.  He uses facts to demonstrate that the lower portion of society are in the lower sector of society who have seen an increase in sadness. At the same time, those in the upper classes (I shall call the oligarchy) have seen an increase in happiness.  In other words, at the expense of the lower classes of people, the upper classes are happier.  The lower classes are not as happy.  Facts presented as part of his opinion-editorial (op-ed), but I see it more as a commentary with facts, not an opinion.  (The media has caused the problems we have by calling these op-eds). 

Mr. Brooks discusses such facts from various Asian nations.  Communist China is one such nation.  The oligarchy in a presumed communist nation (which should NOT have an oligarchy) have experienced this ordeal and an increased wealth among those at the top has been revealed. 

This sounds like what has been happening in a presumed capitalist nation like the USA.  Reaganomics and supply-side economics, in my humble opinion (I can provide facts, too), are at fault for this happening in the USA.  A twisted idea of what capitalism truly is, as we think of capitalism as “supply-side economics,” while Adam Smith (18th Century contemporary to our Founding Fathers) defined capitalism as something to challenge the oligarchy of supposed divine-rights kings and feudal landlord nobles and barons with the idea of SUPPLY AND DEMAND.  Balance and not individualism at the top.  In this practice, only government can regulate the balance between supply and demand.  Reagan claimed “government” is a problem, due to such regulation.

Another side to what Mr. Brooks says harks back to my days of learning from a Christian pastor who embraced the ideas of Deist Thomas Jefferson, that ideas from the Hebrew scriptures regarding creationism do not have to be examples of rejection of evolution and survival of the fittest (Darwinism and atheism).  This pastor pointed out that the men who wrote those Hebrew scriptures were merely attempting to come to grips with what God was about in the universe.  That seven days in the lives of men could be millions of years in the eyes of God. We cannot be certain about God because human beings did not have the knowledge of God. 

Another aspect I learned from this Christian pastor had to do with Darwinism and atheism.  This pastor represented survival of the fittest as meaning our human species having dominion over animals, but that Jesus Christ came as the WORD OF GOD (John 1:1) to help dispel such ideas by centering on a love of one another, all human beings. 

This means that survival of the fittest is not between “chosen people,” as Israelis contend, or between white and black people, or between Latinx and others, or between straight or gay, or between men and women.  It is not a matter of surviving by having control of one human species over another.  Rather it is about all human beings having love for one another and working in community, not as selfish and greedy individuals who berate their fellow human beings. 

Examples.  White supremacists think they are better than black folk. I have heard this crap expressed against former President Obama. On the other hand, black folk who proclaim the election of Obama as being a “first.”  White supremacists who have invoked lynch mobs during the era of Jim Crow.  They only accept black folks unless they follow the marching orders of white folk (i.e., Thomas or Walker).  The males reject females when someone like my mother runs in a Republican primary for a political office and many males say, “they don’t want her to be town supervisor because she is a woman.”  The black man who thinks we need to get rid of abortions, for the sake of black folk and no consideration of the entire human race and particular situations where the mother might lose her life (the fetus is more important than the mother, so both must die?) or there is rape or incest involved.    In all of these examples, people have thick skulls and don’t allow the elevator to go all the way to the top.

Thus, we get supply-side economics and the development of only the “me, me, me” individualist greedy attitudes which Mr. Brooks addresses in his own way.  We are living with the lack of love for one another and no care or consideration for one another, due to individualist “survival of the fittest” attitudes.  We don’t think about providing opportunities for all people and many times it’s more about providing handouts instead, although that, too, is objectionable to white supremacists and others. 

America HAS been the shining light, compared to Communist China and other sections in the world.  For the sake of “survival of the fittest” of the Chinese people, CBS Sixty Minutes report this past Sunday pointed out that the Communist Chinese version of Tik Tok is very controlled so as to EDUCATE their own people.  But for the rest of the world, they put it out there in an “anything goes” fashion.  It helps the Chinese survive while helping to destroy the education and learning capacities of our Western civilization. The Chinese embrace what Western classical music can do for the brains of people, while our Western people, stupidly, reject it and demonstrate their stupidity and lack of a brain, in the process. 

The net result since the Reagan and the birth of supply-side economics, has been  several developments in America.  (1) we want opinions, not facts; (2) we have big fat pig newspaper publishers who reject good journalism, local investigative reporting, local information and commentary, and do everything by sensationalism; we then wonder why “nobody reads newspapers;” (3) Ronald Reagan, Jr., who identifies himself as being an atheist and one has to wonder whether he supports “survival of the fittest” as being between those in the human species, not between humans and animal species – anything goes, but stop two consenting adults from doing what they wish to do; (4) defense of greed, narcissism, love of money, and lack of caring for one another, due to “survival of the fittest;” (5) love of gladiator-type games and being mesmerized by blood and guts and guns splashed on television screens. 

In the 1950s, the character, Perry Mason said just the opposite of what publishers say about newspaper journalism and the facts.  Perry Mason:  “I don’t want opinions, I want the evidence.” 

In the 1980s, the character, J.B. Fletcher said, “I have a theory [not a conspiracy theory] but I need the evidence and facts.  All opposite of what is being said today throughout our society when invoking greed and narcissism and validating it with “survival of the fittest.”  Then the far left liberals wish to spend all our time protecting the animals with which humans have dominion.  That is fine to have such opposition when humans massacre animals for the sake of greed and selfishness.  But to protect us from losing our own food stocks, such actions by the far left push the envelope too far.  Example. 

Killing predators of deer and domestic livestock, we kill off the coyote.  Then the deer populate to such a point that they become a nuisance for drivers and for those who maintain gardens for the sake of human needs for consumption.  When, in actuality, When in actuality, the “survival” factor could be to have donkeys protect the livestock because they are able to stomp on any coyote which come close to the livestock.  Nature working together for the sake of “survival of the fittest” among animal species, but to consider that God does not intend “an eye for an eye” among the human species because Jesus Christ said something contrary to “an eye for an eye….”

Sad to hear the sadness rate increases for “lower class” humans.  This should be stopped. An attitude adjustment contrary to survival of the fittest among the human species needs to occur.  Balance can be accomplished by regulation of business so as to eliminate the creation of monopolies with the use of supply-side economics.   Mr. Brooks only presented the facts, but really did not identify solutions.  Thus, I refer to Mr. Brooks and his facts, but also present ideas for solutions, too.  

My writing is not a letter to the editor because it is too lengthy.  My writing is not an op-ed because it is a commentary with solutions. Really.  It is not too lengthy to be an op-ed or a commentary.  Thank you, Mr. Brooks, for the facts included in your commentary. 

Town of Newark Valley proposition for appointments rather than election

Dear Editor:
The election is over. Based on preliminary results, I understand that the Newark Valley town proposition to change elections such as the Newark Valley Town Highway Superintendent to an appointed position by the town council was defeated. Prior to the election, I remained silent. Perhaps I should have spoken out because, once again, I observed that emotions from the loudest mouths who were opposed to such a change swayed the herd mentality so as to convince people to vote on the measure based on what angry people say with a loud mouth than to consider logic and reasoning of the situation. “Logic clearly dictates that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.”(A statement in a Star Trek movie by Mr. Spock character played by Leonard Nimoy, at the point Mr. Spock was about to die). How sad for Newark Valley. How sad for New York. How sad for the USA. Logic thrown out the window.
It is a shame that the ballots could not have contained information as to the REASONS behind the thought about changing it. As a result, only the loud mouths who blistered this notion were heard.

For instance,some of what I heard in the repetitive forces were as follows.

(1) “Political appointments remove the opportunity for the people to speak.”
(2) “Political appointments mean that those unqualified would be appointed, due to patronage.” (3) “Political appointments give opportunities for the ‘good old boy’ network to operate.”
Logic is thrown out the window in favor of false ideas about our life and politics. Let us take a closer look at this tripe.

Number 1. Political appointments remove the opportunity for the people to speak.

Really? In the election which just passed, I had no opportunity to speak through the ballot box. While I am not in disagreement with the person chosen, why was I not able to have a choice? Because I am a registered Democrat and the choices were made in a Republican primary. There are independent voters who don’t want to be affiliated with either political party. At times, I wish I were independent and it is frustrating that there are no Democratic Party primaries. Yet, a stupid Republican once called those of us here who are Democrats as “Dumicrats.” To that person, I could say Republidumbheads.” I can also think of a very nasty word for Republicans, but I won’t offer it. There are Green Party and Libertarians, etc., etc., etc.No such people are able to vote in a Republican primary.  Where is the “voice of the people?” At least when someone is considered for appointment to an office, people may be given a chance to attend a town council meeting and voice approval. Otherwise, there is a segment of the population which is screwed.

In this case, perhaps Republicans would say the simple solution for me would have been to register as a Republican, right? So, let’s create a one-party state. Oh, that’s right. A one-party state in Newark Valley is not a new thing at all. In fact, I knew people who moved here as Democrats and, in order to become involved in the politics here, dumped their Democratic Party affiliation and became Republicans. Excuse me. But one-party states existed in Hitler’s Germany and the Bolsheviks and Marxist/communists of Russia and the Soviet Union.
One possible solution would be for New York State, rather than putting a stupid thing on the ballot about New York City judicial funding, put a proposition on the ballot to allow people to go to the polls on election day and simply declare one party as the designated party to vote in a primary. That would give more voices. I have heard of states which do this and have other similar processes as solutions to such a problem.  I might add that in the state where I spent nearly 40 years, they do not have such a solution, but some people spoke up in favor of such solutions for primaries. But alas, Republicans of Florida don’t want people to vote and are putting forth adverse laws to restrict voting. Why would such a state even consider such when it works to discourage voters since the Republicans created a one-party state, beginning with Jeb Bush.
“Logic clearly dictates that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.”
​Number 2. ​​ Political appointments mean that those unqualified would be appointed, due to patronage. ​
​What about the unqualified who can run for a job and are not qualified to be highway superintendent, clerk, or what ever? What about the example of a relative of mine who was very qualified for an office, due to bookkeeping skills possessed by this person and appointed by both Republicans AND Democrats to a job? No patronage there. So it is possible, with the right people elected to leadership roles in the government councils and executive offices. Perhaps the “voice” of the people should spend more time investigating those who are elected into the town, village, city, or county councils of government. I don’t argue that it is not possible for the existence of patronage. I am sure it does happen all the time. But to cast a pessimistic aspersion on something which might be a good solution is absurd. With herd mentality spreading potentially false information is a stereotypical tarnishing of ideas.
Number 3.​ Political appointments give opportunities for the “good old boy network” to operate.

False. This statement is like taking offense of anything we do as humans with human institutions always results in a “godd old boy network.” Such networks exist, but there is proof that sometimes they do not exist. The man appointed to supervise operations of a village lawn, street, sidewalk maintenance and garbage collection service, with only an 8th grade education and not wealthy by any stretch of the imagination, might NOT be acceptable to accountants, lawyers, business people and others who are in positions of responsibility, but just might do a good job. One such example did exist one time. I do know a thing or two from history.

My mantra has become this. Human beings and human institutions cannot possibly be perfect. If people knew Christian values, they should realize this. Yet, how many people continue to consider humans or human institutions in whom they have a “beef” as not living up to expectations in terms of perfection. With the president prior to our current one, I spent time TRYING to find things which demonstrated a leader. In contrast to his paranoid views that “everyone was out to get him” in terms of a “witchhunt,” I knew a number of people who tried to turn around some of his bad. Each time I became disappointed. However, I did not hold an expectation of perfection when going into consideration of the man. On the same token, I can say the same about a former governor. There were some things I may have disagreed, but there also may have been some things I disagreed. I did not wish to tarnish his image ONLY on the things in which I disagreed. And this governor had some factors which were the same as the former president for whom the religious right swept under the rug.

Main point. Making appointments by the Newark Valley Town Council is not a bad idea when the village of Newark Valley haas been doing it for many years and has been successful in its endeavors. It was the people’s voice in the village which voted against a sewage system and natural gas lines within the village limits. It was the village which first introduced cable television to the area and regulated the cable television. It was the FCC, including many Republicans at a higher level, and other agencies which removed local control of cable television and endorsed the huge corporate conglomerates, through deregulation, which destroyed local business. It would behoove local people to take on these issues at the local level than to be concerned about whether or not we cannot possibly handle the appointment of positions within the town government. Ignorance, as opposed to stupidity, of the issue, without thinking and looking into details, which means such ignorance, with humility an open mind, would enable learning and wisdom. Critical thinking skills are very handy in such situations.

A Little History About the Truth Regarding Capitalist Economics Might Help

When working to complete a minor in History at the undergraduate level, I took classes from a professor who was a professor with a PhD from Binghamton University. This professor had us reading several books in her classes and included these additional books as textbooks for the class. I ate it all up. Likely it is those texts which I still own today, outside of what I kept from my major.

One book we read was The Americans: The Democratic Experience. It was authored by a University of Chicago History professor named Dr. Daniel J. Boorstin.  I have retained a copy of that book and added several other Boorstin books in his “Americans” series. The Americans: The National Experience.The Americans: The Colonial Experience. Several others in that series.

When I completed my Masters of Library Science degree at Syracuse University, I worked in database management and library research instruction. It was a wonderful career. In the early years of my career, President Ronald Reagan had appointed Dr. Boorstin as Librarian of Congress. Having read Dr. Boorstin’s books, I was thrilled. I was more thrilled at Boorstin than I was about Reagan with his adversity to unions which shut down the Air Traffic Controllers organization and his favoring IBM and opposition to unions when he destroyed AT&T, the Unix operating system, and the CWA, in the name of “deregulation” and supply-side economics.”  Same thing in the electric utility industry with its IBEW. Deregulation in the name of “supply-side economics” and “trickle-down theories of economics.” I was thrilled by Boorstin and still am with the knowledge I learned from him that supersedes the limited historical stuff we have all been taught in schools.

According to Boorstin, one of the first “regulated” examples of the “democratic experience,” was the establishment of insurance commissioners in America.  The example given by Boorstin was that of a 19th-century Massachusetts insurance commissioner named Erastus Wright. At the point in time that Wright was regulating insurance, there were no actuarial tables for determining premiums, the long-term investments made, and the results of the benefits regarding life insurance.  People were putting their money into life insurance, but the management of the companies were chaotic about it and figured the money was there for them to spend. Then, when someone with a policy died, they were told there was no money. Like imposing something for the collective freedom of all (masks and vaccines, not personal injury lawsuits), Wright came up with the table which was expected to be used when figuring premiums and benefits. It worked. All that regulation of insurance has been curtailed and, instead, we have lawyers pursuing personal injury lawsuits against big insurance, spending tax dollars beyond belief, and there is no safety net for the consumer on the demand side of the capitalist market. Sad.
Thus, we see the same thing happening to Social Security and Medicare. We put the money in and then, as exited with Erasmus Wright’s time, when the benefit is to be drawn, based on dividends earned over time, we are listening to lousy folks saying, ‘there won’t be any money in such a such a year.”  As with the life insurance of the the 19th-century “democratic experience” of Erasmus Wright regarding the insurance in which people had dumped their money, we are observing our money, over time, being squandered in other ways.

This example dealt with private enterprise, but it took a government to regulate private enterprise, not the other way around when we have private enterprise controlling the government. Unless we do something, there may be no hope for the future, as our hopes and desires for future generations lies in the hands of greedy, selfish aristocratic brats who really don’t understand the ideas of capitalism and the “democratic experience.” So what do they do? They throw out BS about it all being socialism or communism. The actual communists are the fat pigs who control a government and destroy ideas for regulation by vandalizing and sabotaging regulation, whether in a PSC or elsewhere, with bribes by means of martini lunches with the “lunch crowd.” Corruption, just as with the situation Erasmus Wright identified.
Furthermore, we accept this corruption so much that we look the other way when it occurs. We look the other way when there is a corrupt government in Afghanistan and people don’t want to affiliate with such corruption, so they lay down their arms, for the sake of the Taliban. Rather than look at the details of what is happening, the ones who did nothing to work for justice and peace, push to wrongly blame President Joe Biden for a pullout which was created by those who support the money (Saudi Arabia and other sources) behind the Taliban (and the Saudi royal family member, Osama Bin Laden).  They work for peace and then set a timetable for withdrawal, but never work for peace AND justice. What a shame.  Just like the money from the oil contingent of the world, we sadly got involved in Vietnam, too, and then had to pull out and betray the South Vietnamese with their corrupt government, too. The difference? It was LBJ who started it all in Vietnam and there is proof that John F. Kennedy was NOT gung ho about doing it. Today, we don’t blame the Texan who got us involved in Afghanistan, but look to blame a person who took office in Jan. 2021 and had been left with a timetable for withdrawal created by Donald Trump.

Inconsistency in America. How sad.

Even worse is that Americans have short memories and don’t learn from history. If there was learning from history, more folks would be more brilliant and not listen to the BS of moneyed people who want to attack the Democrats.   That, too, is sad, for sure. But it keeps me involved in writing. This gives me a sense of success, knowing I lay out principals and ideas for consideration and hope that America can coexist by learning regarding the true history of capitalism, democracy, and seeking peace and justice. We don’t want to be wimps who look the other way at corruption, whether in America or Afghanistan, and make for justice which does not simply give in for the sake of peace. Justice. Consistency. Destroy corruption. Lift up ideas for good and true regulated capitalism and democracy. And then we can achieve peace. 

Professor Douglas Willet Cornwell (Retired)

Newark Valley, NY

———————————“Love your neighbor as yourself.” “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” “The problems of the world are not that some people love in a different way. The problems are that so many people don’t know how to love at all (CGA, 1970).” A Puritan is someone in fear that someone, somewhere, is having a good time. “Liberty and justice for all [not priorities on individual and selfish rights].” “Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”  “We the people, in order to form a more perfect union [and overall wealth of American society]…” 
​Benjamin Franklin: “​Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are ​affected.” Stacey Abrams: “Compromise about actions, but not about values.”  Oscar Wilde: “​​​I have the simplest tastes. I am always satisfied with the best.”  Oscar Wilde: “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” Benjamin Franklin: “Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.”  Whoopi Goldberg: “To handle this COVID-19 pandemic effectively, we all need to get on the same page.”  Note: To be clear, I do not like being patronized. I do not express my disdain over what happens to my fellow humans just for my own sake and to pursue favors and handouts. I do it in order to gain R – E – S – P – E – C – T for me and for millions of other Americans of any race, ethnicity, religious belief, or sex and sexual identity who try to walk in integrity as they attempt to achieve, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  PERIOD.  One nation under God [our Creator] with liberty and justice for all.

Three-penny Op-ed: Democracy and Economics (17 Apr. 2021, The Economist)

Recently, I wrote about Queen Victoria, based on dramatization of her life. At one point in her early years of ruling during the 19th Century, Queen Victoria addressed protestors who were part of mobs attacking the palace where she lived. The scene depicted incendiary weapon of the time which was hurled through the windows of the palace. Those devices made one think of the “Molotov cocktails,” used in the 20th Century and derived the name from Vyacheslav Molotov. The name comes from a time period in which comes after the reign of Queen Victoria. When used in London during the queen’s reign, it approximates to the time of the residency of Karl Marx in London. Due to the time period, I come under criticism for using the words, Molotov Cocktail when they did not exist. People dwell too much on use of words and not on the fact that the name used in my writing referenced a weapon which was generic and could help understand what was actually used by the protestors.

Wording is so important when it comes to the false ideas passed down to our day from the likes of Karl Marx and Adam Smith of Scotland. Marx falsely claimed capitalism was “the problem” in the same way Reagan claimed “government is the problem.” People, particularly the lovers of Fox News, just grab at what was said and don’t give a damn about those of us who speak out about the false ideas which permeate the “herd” mentality from a Nazi propaganda machine like Fox News and other extreme right-wing news outlets.

Marx was wrong in blaming capitalism as a problem because capitalism was like a “new kid on the block” and barely understandable to others. The aristocracy grabbed at the ideas of Adam Smith with gratitude and simply twisted the ideas of capitalism to suit their ideas of aristocratic supply-side economics which disdains the demand side of the market. What would have happened if Marx had actually identified what the true problem was? What would have happened if the media of the day had revealed Adam Smith’s turnaround AGAINST the ideas of “free markets” because he felt humans did not have a natural human ethics and morality (The Theory of Moral Sentiments), so therefore there needs to be a “referee” with a third-party group regulating supply AND demand for the purposes of checks and balances in economics. (Also see Economics professor, Dr. Jonathan Wight’s book, Saving Adam Smith). After all, Adam Smith was a contemporary of the American Deists and Forefathers who saw a lack of chaos in the universe due to a Creator who worked with checks and balances, so they devised a political system and U.S. Constitution with checks and balances. Interesting to note that too many Americans grasp at Marx’s theory that “religion is the opioid of the masses” rather than what Jesus Christ said which applies to Adam Smith’s ideas about “moral sentiment.” Why? I ask. What if we changed this false notion? Shameful that human beings claim to follow Jesus Christ (as Smith was a Christian theologian, too), but really don’t grasp his notions.

Smith promoted the idea that ultimately, “free markets” end up giving us monopolies, regulation of an economy by autocratic big corporations (“deregulation,” as Reagan proclaimed) to their self-serving interests which destroy competition and small business. This is similar to what happened in Ancient China when the small business Mandarin class was destroyed and China imploded on itself (see Zakaria).

In stating, “business and politics are growing closer in America, with worrying consequences,” there is agreement with what is proposed in the text above. The fact that American business in the late 19th Century created a rich commerce for America makes quite a bit of sense. However, with J.P. Morgan and others in the 20th Century, America began to steer away from such a pathway. Teddy Roosevelt, the “trust buster,” worked to regulate the huge corporations. This continued after World War II, even as corporations became larger. International Business Machines (IBM) was created by Thomas J. Watson. However, he and the other executives at NCR where he originally was employed, worked to destroy competition and the government came down hard on them. In the process, Watson became a benevolent autocratic CEO at IBM and the company flourished. But once benevolent ones depart this life, they are often replaced with barbaric, ruthless, and vicious dictators. It is seen that IBM was later headed by such vicious men and this became the norm in America, as we watched as CEOs increased their salaries and bonuses so astronomically that it has been a 1000% rise since the 1970s. Ayn Rand and others promoted, with Reagan, supply-side economics and deregulation. Teams of lawyers in big corporations and the proliferation of so many lawyers in the American economy (creating jobs for themselves as ambulance-chasing vicious ones who attack one against the other in a destructive and greedy manner) meant corporations could better protect themselves than the small little business person. As with what happened to the Ancient Chinese Mandarin small business class, these people were put out of business. Fast food magnate like ruthless and vicious Ray Kroc hired people to scout areas with small mom and pop diners and place McDonald’s near those areas, for the purpose of destroying the competition, with the same regard as Republicans under Trump destroy and destroy and destroy, beginning with the ACA which has a goal of extending competition in health insurance in order to help lower the prices which are ripoffs and nickel and diming the demand-side of the capitalist market.

Rick Scott in the U.S. Senate is responsible for the Hospital Corporation of America which is a huge corporate conglomerate begun during the Reagan years with the purpose to destroy the “competition” of public health facilities. The loss of such public facilities really hurt the American people during this pandemic. People like Rick Scott, Jeb Bush, Ron DeSantis and Trump Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos, had designs on creating big corporation in America which could be called “Education Corporation of America.”

Jeb Bush and other Republicans like him also privatized the prison system of Florida. The net result has been, to make a profit, by putting more people in jails (concentration camps?). Most of those people are black people who then are removed from the voting rolls. In a recent referendum in Florida, the voters of Florida voted to stop that type of treatment of those who served their time in jails by getting them back on the voting rolls. This applied to non-felony criminals or minor criminal activities, particularly possession of marijuana or cocaine, etc. This push to get black people in jails from these minor offenses is reminiscent of what was portrayed which happened to Billie Holiday when latent homosexual, J. Edgar Hoover, headed the FBI. (See the movie, The United States v. Billie Holiday).

It was very eloquently stated in The April 17 Economist article: “we also believe that concentrations of power are dangerous. Business people will always lobby for their own advantage, but the closer they get to the government, the more harm they threaten to both the economy and politics.” However, to frame this issue as “classic liberals” really puts this too much on the political spectrum, when I know many conservatives who support this ideal, too. As Dr. Howard Dean, one-time candidate for president of the USA, said, “we need to frame the issues to make them more acceptable to more people.” Putting in the word, liberal, sad to say in today’s world, gives ammunition to the fat cats of America who follow fascist Trump and push their own agenda with lies and the re-telling of lies. It is bad enough that they have ammunition with guns and the NRA, let alone words used as ammunition.

Speaking of Dr. Dean. He comes from a state which puts restrictions on big box corporate retailers, not allowing them to build in low density areas where they can become more monopolized by destroying the small business competition. Current U.S. Senator, Bernie Sanders, is from the same state and should nix what Rick Scott of Florida says in his fascist white racist business-loving, greedy, selfish way.

George W. Bush may have had SOME good ideas (i.e., use of switch grass as a renewable energy source). But the worst thing he said, as applied to this article in the Economist about the “political CEO,” “what’s good for business is good for America.” I am glad to read this article which does a good job at shooting holes in this asinine statement made by a former president.

The examples of successful challenges to the pandemic were in nations which were democracies which worked together in good alliances with business and health systems to defeat the “war” of the pandemic.

In the late 19th Century, one could have said, “what’s good for government is good for business.” Ronald Reagan, in his stupidity, destroyed that notion and we are being forced to live by such destruction. It needs to change and we need to rid our economic system of the words of individualist, selfish, greedy, lovers of money and materialism. We need to work on the same principles of checks and balances which our Forefathers used in setting up our political system.

There is evidence that Adam Smith recognized the same thing for our economic system, but the autocratic aristocrats in the monarchies of his day proclaimed they had a “divine right to rule” and grabbed and used Smith’s ideas to their own advantage. They twisted Smith’s ideas in order to keep the status quo of the system they controlled, while playing lip service to the Smith ideas about “capitalism.”

The result was that Karl Marx gave capitalism a bum rap rather than acknowledging how the system of supply-side economics was the problem. In essence, Lenin and Stalin set up the same type of centrally planned supply-side economic system in Russia. The Ancient Chinese did the same thing many years ago. These systems of supply-side economics failed. When will people recognize this?

Even General Douglas MacArthur, as Supreme Commander of Japan, following World War II, worked to destroy two things in Japan: (1) the communist party and (2) the aristocratic autocratic supply-side economic system which had existed for many years. This system made the Japanese so ruthless that they refused to abide by the international humane rules for POWs, often murdering American POWs and stuffing the genitalia down the throats of dead men (see Ken Burns documentary about World War II, The War).

If America does not wake up, learn and gain wisdom about these circumstances today, then the negative components is described in this article about the “political CEO” might happen.

Dictatorial Control by a Minority of Americans is Similar to the Bolsheviks, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, and Tojo: Stop These Anti-Americans by Abolishing the U.S. Senate Filibuster Which is Abolition in Another Sense

Why should we allow this nation to be controlled by a dictatorship which consists of Trump followers who bow to him like he was Tojo of Japan as they are seduced by lies which are told over and over again on Fox News and other outlets so as to make such lies the truth.

Sometimes, the REAL truth hurts. In this case the truth contorted by lies hurts many Americans in a real bad sense. The REAL truth will set you free from such slime bag ways of a bunch of slime balls run by white supremacists and the lousy ones like this in Dixie.

Peace will not be achieved without justice. There is no justice when slimeball bastards, white supremacists who work to control this nation, continue to disturb the peace in America.

A filibuster in the U.S. Senate has always been used by this type of people to block justice being done. This filibuster rule in the U.S. Senate needs to be destroyed and abolished. We have a two-party system, not a multi-party system as is done where they elect a prime minister in a Parliament. The Republican control by these sadists who should be called Trumpicans (on the same par with the Dixiecrats of the 1940s) put everything into a sense of red or blue and there is no in-between, as what exists in nations like New Zealand, Canada, Australia, Great Britain. Rupert Murdock should have his assets frozen and have HIM deported to his home nation of Australia where they actually have a democracy as I describe (multi-party state) and obviously, the stupidity and the wealth of Murdock makes him work with the lousy slimeball dictators.

The same thing done to Napoleon should be done to Donald Trump. Place him isolated on an island with security so he never commands a lead among his Trumpicans in the Republican Party and the wimps in that party who would rather resign than to challenge the bastard slimeball criminal. Wake up Republican wimps and begin to smell the roses, not the s**t of Trump.

P.S. New Zealand with its parliamentary democracy and a female prime minister has fought the war with COVID-19 and have come out further ahead than the slimeball leader called Trump who kept pointing fingers over the “spilled milk” of “who is responsible for the virus in China.” What the hell does that do to solve the problem? We had a female elected in 2016 because she won the POPULAR VOTE over Trump. Where is she? And now freaking lousy slimeball Trump lies like a little immature brat with claims of fraud in this latest election. Why? Because Trump didn’t win and he and his godless followers think that is the reason to claim fraud. Again. Get rid of Rupert Murdock who oversees Fox News and send him packing back to Australia, the way Trump wants to send anyone packing who is an immigrant and opposed to him.

Winston Churchill, his Quotes Taken through the Lens of a Supporter of the Human Race, not the White Supremacy Defined by a Dictatorship like that of Hilter

In an article, “101 Quotes of Winston Churchill to Motivate You to Never Give Up,” we can see how brilliant half -American (his mother born and raised in Upstate New York), Churchill was. Many of the quotes were said in reply to the “blitzkriegs” brought on by Hitler’s Lufthansa. Constant bombings.

In America, the neo-cons in the Republican Party, a bunch of reactionary far right wing folks who controlled that wing of the political party in Congress, tied the hands of Democratic Party president, Franklin D. Roosevelt, who wanted to do something to help Churchill and Britain. It was not until Hawaii was bombed did the reactionary far right wing leaders of the Republican Party decide to do something. Together with the white supremacist Dixiecrats of the South, they fought with FDR in a contentious manner. The wimps of America, like Churchill’s predecessor, Chamberlain, remained silent, with fear about “become involved.”

The words of Founding Father, Benjamin Franklin existed at that time, but were ignored. ​Benjamin Franklin: “​Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are ​affected.”

Stacey Abrams, a small business woman of Georgia, advised that we can hold fast to our values, but can work together to compromise on the actions taken. Whoopi Goldberg is quoted as saying, “we all need to get on the same page,” but what is that “same page?” The lens and perspective with blinders blocks many from getting on that “same page.” What is the answer, or do we just sit and say, “oh, well, oh, well, it will never change in my generation?” Dump BULL MANURE on such pessimistic attitudes.

In light of the domestic terrorism inspired by Trumpicans today, plus the actions of lousy pathetic Republican far-right neo-cons in the days of FDR, we need to be certain we consider what lens people look through these quotes by Churchill, Ben Franklin, and Stacey Abrams. If we look at these quotations with the lens of the human race, not the lens of the white supremacists, Trumpicans, Proud Boy thugs, white Dixiecrats, the ones of the KKK, John Birchers, Neo-Nazis who are behind the domestic terror, all these quotations take on a different meaning.

We also need to consider the entire span of life in which Churchill references, not just pull one word out. For instance, Churchill said,”All the great [MAGA jackasses] things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom; justice; honor; duty; mercy; hope.” The first word is, “freedom.” Churchill meant a single word from the list of words. Sure, lousy neo-con governor of Texas, cherry pick the word, “freedom” in order to validate not wearing masks. You idiotic neo-con of the South. So, how does Abbott of Texas define justice? Justice ONLY for white supremacists and the stupid white law enforcement people who don’t like black people, from Missouri to Minnesota, New York City, and elsewhere. It’s a lens with blinders on, directed ONLY at the white supremacists of America. They wish for “honor; duty; mercy; hope” for white supremacists. They have a fear that they will lose out to other races so they create a hell on earth for all, rather than looking through the lenses of perspectives about the entire human race, throwing away the damn blinders. They are disgusting people who emanate from the den of the devil which wants to pit one against another, especially against those who are able to see a God of love who loves all his children on earth.

Even President Kennedy’s words, “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country” can be viewed through the lens and perspective of the human race or the lens and perspective on one race only. That is a fragmented hell on earth.

This hell on earth needs to stop and switch this reality to something better. Words such as “liberty and justice FOR ALL.” “WE THE PEOPLE,” not just “WE THE WHITE SUPREMACISTS.” “Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” (Thomas Jefferson was intended for all, but some people just don’t get it, in their irrational egotistical selfish instant gratification ways.

I am inspired by Churchill’s quotes, including this one: “… democracy is a very bad form of government but all the others are so much worse.” Churchill had to reason with a dictatorial bunch of Republicans in the USA who refused to lend him support in his fight against Hitler. Why did these jackass Republicans of that day do such a thing? I have some answers, but won’t go into it at this time. I am inspired by half-American Churchill, but I view them without blinders on, from the perspective and lens of God’s children and the entire human race, which God loves. The light is not a fake one from the devil, but it is the light of God’s only begotten son, Jesus Christ. Those of us who understand what that light is about, need not live in fear because sometimes we are in the darkness of a tunnel and the light is a distant part at the end of the tunnel. We should not be hiding the light under a bushel basket, either. What is your lens and do you shed the blinders?

TECHNOLOGY: It’s Humans, Stupid, Not Technology

Technology is a blessing and curse. The Internet is a blessing and a curse. With Spectrum Internet, it is all so slow in loading many items that we are back in the 1950s when it took minutes for a television to begin because of the vacuum tubes in the televisions. Mattered not whether there was an antenna on the roof or “rabbit ear” antenna indoors. The vacuum tube was slow in warming up. Besides, in the 1950s, there was NO cable television. That did not come into the homes, particularly in hilly areas like Upstate New York and Pennsylvania, until the 1960s. The signal was more reliable and not subjected to those who do the hacking.

In the 1960s and later, Castro, with his centrally planned supply side economics, figured a way to “jam” the signals he did not wish for his people to view. It was usually Miami and South Florida signals he jammed, but perhaps there were Voice of America signals he jammed as well(?). IT was not the technology, stupid. It was humans, stupid, who were running Castro’s island and did not wish for the people to have happiness.

In America, we face such “jamming” and removal of our happiness. Many times. Just recently, a favored streaming radio station was “jammed.” Yep. Jelly all over the place (NOT). It was taken off a Favorites list on one streaming service within Roku. When checking another streaming service, it was claimed, earlier this week, that this station would not be available on this other service until Saturday, March 20, 2021. Here we are, today, Saturday, March 20, and where is our favorite station on this streaming service. Returning to the original streaming service to discover if, “we’re back!” The results were that it was not there, but to search it, the station was found once again.

Technology and computers do not take a favorite station away from a listener. It’s humans, stupid. It’s humans, stupid, to do such a thing as this which is comparable to Castro (maybe Hitler book burning, too?) removing happiness of the people and pushing American citizens into a corner of helplessness in the process.

People have more important things to do with their lives than to try to work through such obstacles. With warmer weather here, perhaps we would like to do some outdoor gardening or cleaning up lawns after the snow goes away. Removing our happiness so as to push us into a corner and spend more time trying to solve the problems resulting from hackers. Repeat. Computers don’t just do this kind of crap alone. It takes humans, stupid.

We hear about nations such from South Korea to Taiwan to New Zealand to those on continental Europe where the Internet is not like what is being described here. Do they spend time with Trumpicans fighting with good people. Same thing here. People being pushed into a corner with technological crap of hackers and not having time to work with the things which are best for our lives. Why does the states like New York or Florida or the Federal government providing as good an Internet service as the other democratic capitalist nations provide? WHY? Those nations also have political parties which iron out differences, too. But what the Trumpicans are doing to control the Republican Party and gain a foothold in pushing for a dictatorship is disgusting, as they marginalize voters so they won’t vote and suppress many other voters so they CANNOT vote.

These people are vicious barbarians who cannot win elections unless they carve out voting districts by way of GERRYMANDERING. Gerrymandering has been around for a long time. But at least many states, even with gerrymandering, had a two-party system. Right now, Florida has a one-party state of Republican and has never had a Democratic Party governor since before 1998. The gerrymandering has done that.

Go ahead and say, “well New York State is the same.” BULLSHIT. George Pataki was NOT a Democrat, so at least there were a number of years when it went back and forth between Democrat and Republican. There was a day when Senator Warren Anderson of Binghamton headed the MAJORITY of Republicans in the New York State Senate and TYPICALLY, the Assembly was Democrat. Two-party system with more compromise than what there is today.

(1) we rid this nation of gerrymandering
(2) we rid this nation of voter suppression
(3) we stop the marginalizing of voters by Trumpican dictatorial people
(4) stop the (please excuse the frustration and the resulting language) BULLSHIT of lies and coverups done by Trumpicans who hold people’s feet to the fire with retribution if they don’t follow the DICTATOR Trump (and Roger Stone and others)
(5) abolish the Electoral College and replace it with two voting times, one with all parties and the second one between the top two recipients of votes
(6) create capitalist competition through government regulation for the sake of SUPPLY AND DEMAND
(7) acknowledge the role which long term, not just egotistical short term, investments mean and encourage pooled lower-risk investments without a cap on percentage invested so wealthy bastards pay less into FICA (Social Security) and Medicare for all, due to LONG TERM investments in a CAPITALIST system; damn it all, don’t close your minds to what some of us are saying
(8) return to a two or more party system with STATES PEOPLE who are rational enough, on ALL sides, to know how to find common ground and lead this nation
(9) abolish PACs and lobbyists from Congress and government, and stop the trash of people with too much control over our legislators. The PEOPLE should speak, not the damn lobbyists and put Congress on the SAME THING the rest of the nation has for Social Security and Medicare (I said, FOR ALL)
(10) Reform the tax system so as to rid the paper shuffling number crunching business of tax accountants and lawyers, which TAKES AWAY from the productivity for REAL things for America, its economy and its people; sales tax and businesses have to hire people and it cuts into the overhead for the small self-employed business person; income taxes the same consideration as it is a regressive one penalizing Americans from making money or PROFIT (which is called “disposable income” – BULLSHIT ON THAT to those who mock those of us pointing this BULLSHIT out); there was a day when conservatives promoted the value added tax because it was a tax added as a value to every product and this did not mean small business has to account for it and cut into their profit margins; today, there is NO DAMN CONSERVATIVE who promotes this, so I say, you damn bastards are NOT conservatives, you are dictatorial neo-cons.

Wrapping this entire discussion together and we end up realizing that the FCC does a lousy job in regulating media and the Internet because they do it to favor their OWN industry, rather than have THIRD PARTY people who look on and regulate in line with CAPITALIST DEMAND AND SUPPLY. The consumer. As with Castro “jamming” signals for Castro’s benefit only, here we are with a return to the discussion about technology. It’s human hackers “jamming” demand-side access, stupid, not technology.