The intent of this blog is to promote human equality, human progress, human peace and justice, and optimism. To accomplish this, to encourage the discussion of ideas after identifying and discovering problems, and then creating positive solutions for "we the people," in order to provide for the "general welfare" and "domestic tranquility" of America now and its "posterity" into the future. To encourage an emphasis on separation of religion and state for all, no matter if this is for those "of faith" in a Maker / Creator (Deists, God-loving people, Christians, various people of spirituality) and atheists or agnostics.

Posts tagged ‘GOD’

“Now why’d you choose such a backward time … And such a strange land?”

In the 1970s, the rock musical, Jesus Christ Superstar was introduced. I purchased the original vinyl album. I have seen the on-stage productions of this rock musical.

At the time JCS was released, we had two students from Cortland State College, student teachers at our high school, boarding with us. I had purchased the album. I found these two guys interesting to speak with about the music of JCS. Many discussions ensued, in addition to discussions about history because the two of them were history history education majors.

Lyrics in JCS were a good description. But I recall the few which asked questions. For example, “Now why’d you choose such a backward time … And such a strange land?” As a junior in high school, it was difficult to answer those questions.

As my life has progressed and I have maintained my faith in God, I believe I have, with wisdom, developed a HYPOTHETICAL answer to those questions. Hypothetical means there is no certainty, but there is plenty of evidence to determine a hypothesis. So we seek wisdom about it.

My wisdom of age, created by humble learning over time, has provided me with a possible answer. Today, we have people who lie, slander, and libel other good people, based on a love of money and materialism. Love of money is evil. Money is NOT evil. Profits are NOT evil, except when done solely for the love of money. I have read about this and learned about this over time.

Guidelines for a civilized society work in creating a civilized society. It is not a perfect solution, but it helps overcome the evils of the selfishness and greed of egomaniacs with a love and worship of money.

The Roman Empire is known as being one of the most brutal and vicious group of people to control a portion of the world which has ever existed. Am I certain about this? No. But I have humbly learned, over time, about this and gained wisdom. There is plenty of evidence and facts to support what I say. Some folks may feel biased against what I say, so go ahead and shoot me down. What will you accomplish in an attempt to find the truth?

The Roman Empire was in control of Israel during the 1st Century. As a Christian all my life, I am aware of most of the teachings of Jesus Christ and consider Him to be the “word” of God made flesh. I consider that Christ came here to be the “light of the world.” Those are MY beliefs and I am not FORCING you, as vicious people do, to believe what I believe.

I feel I have to say all of this because the egomaniacs of the world just work to shoot holes, as if I want control. It’s those people who shoot holes in hypothetical theories, based on their own egotistical bias, who are likely the perverts who wish to control others.

But this brings me to answering that question in the JCS rock musical: “Now why’d you choose such a backward time
And such a strange land?” It was due to the opposition our Deity had to how a group of people are treated badly by those who seek power over others in corrupt and evil ways with a love AND WORSHIP of money.

In my belief, based on what I have learned over time, including Thomas Jefferson’s (remember him? one of the USA’s FOUNDING FATHERS?) documentation about the Gospels. This is a Deity who imparts the message that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely (not words from God, but words from human beings who recognize a Deity more powerful than humans; a Deity which imparts a love for His/Her children. (Strange words to say, right? His/Her? God has not always been proven to be a “Father,” but a “Parent”).

Again. I do not expect one to feel controlled by my beliefs. But I also do not have an inkling of desire to follow the beliefs of bashers of other human beings as they resist coexistence.

The word of God became flesh. That is my belief system. The reason was to choose a place and time when one group of people were being controlled by perverted lovers of self and money, while the crowd went along and had the word of God executed. Perverted ones to convince the crowds were lawyers and religious leaders, all with a love of money. Money first. A Deity would choose that time and place to impart the message, as people suffered and were convinced by lovers of money to find a scapegoat.

But is it not possible that scapegoat was determined in order for a Deity to impart the message about loving one another (coexistence)? Is it not possible the message was also about human beings learning to reject those who are hypocrites and lovers of money?

Jesus Christ himself is quoted as hurling accusations at hypocrites of those days; Jesus Christ himself, with actions, not words, overturned tables of the money changers, lovers and worshipers of money. Yet, why is it we relinquish control to give it back to power mongers with a love of money and then blame our government? Even Jesus said, “render unto Caesar his due.” In other words, pay your taxes and look at something else besides scapegoats and a government as the reasons for our problems, out of fear of a “mafioso” in centralized businesses created by supply-side Reaganomics, destroying small business competition in the process.

Adam Smith wrote books about the creation of capitalism. Wealth of Nations and Theories of Moral Sentiments. Adam Smith also intently studied the words of Christ. Yet, the “sheep” in this world go along with the lovers of money who attain the power which corrupts and absolute power which corrupts absolutely. They do not even have knowledge of what Adam Smith wrote which was presented as an economic system with balance and a “moral sentiment” for a process in which humans predominate over money, as presented by Jesus Christ, and not the other way around (money over humans).

Today, we have in place, the SEC which allows the biggest stockholders to have more votes in a corporate stockholder meeting than the common folk who own the stock. It is like these people are money changers during the 1st Century when Jesus Christ walked the earth. They don’t give one damn about the common folk and cheat and lie to get their way. Same thing with those money changers of the 1st Century by not only selling in the temple, but also selling SHODDY and LOUSY animals for sacrifice on the altar.

For many of us, we have experienced the lousy way that those with the most stock have treated us. It was one of the many wars that the shoddy and corrupt people with the most stock, Republicans, pulled the rug out from beneath me and many others. They skimmed money off a cash cow of a company, so as to allow vicious other Republicans (primarily) to come in and buy out the company. The only ones to benefit were the shoddy fat pigs at the top, skimming the money off the corporation. Meanwhile, the rest of us stockholders were not even allowed in secret stockholder meetings held in Houston, Texas (for a Florida corporation) and many of us common folk then lost our stock holdings in the process.

How many times do I have to explain this to common folk, hoping to get support, rather than stupidity hurled at me, as well as hatred from common folk? How many times? And do we really need the return of Jesus Christ when we have the knowledge right here in front of us, given to us in the 1st Century? How many times do we have to pray for “Christ’s return.” A loving Deity may treat us kindly, but that Deity must wonder, “Gosh, I gave them the information when the word became flesh. Why do they not see it?” But I can’t speak for God, as so many TV evangelists and perverted proselytizers try to do – constantly.

My mother even had a problem with proselytizers in her life. But at least there were more people like my mother who understood. My generation and younger generations are apparently full of a bunch of stupid jerks who are not humble enough to learn by seeking knowledge and wisdom, but rely on the hearsay of Fox and other groups who push an end all for everything – a certainty that they have all the answers.

This is a lengthy message. I really don’t care if you don’t like it because it is. Those in the World War II generation and before would read essays of great length. They were able to demonstrate humility and learning for the sake of human beings over money.

JC, JC: “Now why’d you choose such a backward time … And such a strange land?” Because it took that type of environment to get many people to learn. W hat is the problem with those who don’t wish to learn today? Instead, they wish for an Armageddon to start all things over, when the proof is in a Deity who DID teach human beings and there is no excuse for not understanding it. Stop pushing us towards chaos with power and control from lovers and worshipers of money in the form of greedy, self-centered, egomaniac centrally-controlled dictatorial corporations run by an oligarchy. Because you are pushing us towards disaster by supporting such egomaniacs with power. Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. The foundations for these problems are not the government created by my ancestors and Founding Fathers. The problem is the oligarchy which attempts to take control of our government and take it out of the hands of the people. WE THE PEOPLE. And there are many of us who have wisdom and knowledge based on the TRUE DEITY and the TRUE Jesus Christ. Supply-side Reaganomics ultimately tosses away those of us who are followers of the true word of God made flesh because the ones who worship money are fearful of the loss of their power – a corrupt one which leads to absolute power which corrupts absolutely. And they become like the vicious Roman Empire of the past. Like the vicious rulers who come out of the hills of Russia.

“Now why’d you choose such a backward time… And such a strange land?” Is it for me to know and you to find out? Because the answer is there before us, just by studying and learning about the word of God made flesh. To learn that this happened and for a purpose.

I pity those who do not understand what I am saying. But that is okay. Because I won’t control you with my belief. I just try to teach. I am not a perfect teacher, but I sure to work towards wisdom, not certainty or purity.

I do this because my grandmother was always saying, “judge not lest you be judged.” But she always encouraged me to be a teacher. Praise the LORD for my grandmother and many others who have encouraged me in my life and offered me opportunities, not always handouts. The ones who provided a temporary safety net which may have been in the form of some handouts, but the word “temporary” is important to note here. Then I would encounter the “jubilee year.” Don’t know what “jubilee year” is? Then humble thyself and learn what it is. Would be good for those money lovers to consider when discussing student loan debt.

On and on I go. But I now understand what was meant in the questions found in lyrics of JC Superstar. “Now why’d you choose such a backward time … And such a strange land?” 🙏 🖖

Cowards Will Say Anything

Amidst the outpouring of disgust against Lt. Governor, Dan Patrick’s statement of “you reap what you so” comment on Twitter, was likely to be found some comments which make reasonable sense.  Patrick is a politician of hatred, caused by stubborn ignorance in believing traditionalist beliefs in the scriptures, rather than attempting to seek wisdom.  He has a finger pointed at the LGBT community, with three pointed back at himself.  Only God makes the final say and anyone else who judges is nothing but a self-righteous coward trying to help him or her to feel better about their own irregularities by trashing others.

I suppose that Patrick believes the African-Americans in that church in Charleston “reaped what they sowed” as a hateful white man gunned them down?  I suppose the little elementary school kids at Sandy Hook “reaped what they sowed” as a hateful man gunned them down?  What about the other attacks of AMERICAN terrorism i this nation?  The victims in each case “reaped what they sowed?”

What makes this tragedy far worse is that the religion from which the killer apparently came believes they are not “cowards” and are actually praised by Allah.  In a civilized world with a belief in a loving God, people like this killer are considered cowards.

What about the LGBT community in all of this?  Unlike the people in Charleston, LGBT are able to HIDE themselves.  The bigots do not attack them due to a different color of skin.  Perhaps Archbishop Akinola of Nigeria needs to understand this and be a real Christian, not bowing to Muslim beliefs out of fear.  And the same can be said of white people living in African nations like Kenya and Nigeria (and other areas).  In all these situations, people cannot change the color of their skin.  However, LGBT people can live in denial of who they are and therefore find safety from hateful people.

In the end, men and women can kill the body, but they cannot kill the soul.  Will God judge cowards – deceptive ones – worse than those who are honest about the way GOD MADE THEM?  None of us know for certain the answer to this question.  But I place my bets that only a loving God would have created the beauty of this earth, including the beauty of human beings, made in God’s image.  And a loving God would not condone awful things against other human beings, as often wrongly portrayed in the “Old Testament” by legends and myths of men who reported life the way it was in those ancient times.  I really do not believe that God condones the killing of babies in the name of God. I really do not believe that God condones the killing of LGBT in the name of God, either.

Evil hateful men and women will stop at nothing to prove their point that they work “in the name of God.”  I said EVIL, did I not?  They follow the ways of Satan the devil, with whom Jesus Christ resisted temptation while confined with the evil person in the dessert.  Pat Robertson makes money from hate and evil and pretends its about Jesus Christ.  Indeed, Robertson is the Anti-Christ.  Of whom does Robertson really hold animosity?  After Hurricane Katrina, he announced. and many stubbornly ignorant folks swallowed what he said, that New Orleans was destroyed due to homosexuality.  Yet, what were the facts about that hurricane?  Katrina had silently crept over South Florida with virtually little or no damage.  Where is there a larger population of LGBT? New Orleans or South Florida and the Keys?  Yet, Robertson convinced a whole bunch of gullible stubbornly ignorant folks that New Orleans was destroyed due to homosexuality.  He never bothered to explain why South Florida was “spared?”

Perhaps it’s a case of – “okay folks, go after the homosexuals first.”  Then when homosexuals are destroyed, “okay folks, go after people with a different skin color.”  Then when they are destroyed, Robertson and other hateful folks (jihadists in both the Christian and Muslim religions), selling hatred which emanates from the Devil, will keep going after innocent folks, until they go after ME who remained complacent in it all.  Who will be there for me?


Dana Loesch

Dana Loesch needs to be challenged and I am one ready for the debate.  But will anyone allow that, or do we have to continue to listen to only one side of every issue without considering there might be some other facts and issues overlooked?

Dana Loesch:  “the godless left.”

Dana, you ignorant slut.  First, you point your finger at a group of people – in stubborn ignorance.  Remember, there are several fingers pointing back at you.

Godless left.  Let’s see.  Some of us supposed “left” believe in the gospels of Jesus Christ and believe that the words of the gospels trump (whoops!  I don’t want to use that word!) – er – negate – negate the words of Paul when there is a conflict.

Conflict!  Conflict!  Conflict!  Paul says “bad associations spoil useful habits.”  Jesus spent a great deal of his time with the dregs of society – “bad association.”  He never would have convinced the hated tax collector, Matthew, to join with Jesus, had Jesus NOT spent time with “bad associations” and remained strong in faith.  Christ was criticized for spending time with Samaritans and lepers and what not.  Today, those with AIDS are considered by pompous people who CALL themselves right wing christians to be, “bad associations.”  Same with transgendered and gay people.  Considered by pompous self-righteous right-wing religionists to be “bad associations,” transgendered and gay people are being attacked – by the likes of Dana Loesch, too.  Dana – you ignorant slut.  You stubbornly ignorant slut because you REFUSE to discuss the issues and do what is basic to our society – synthesize facts which just might not measure up to your own mis-guided interpretations of life.

Conflict! Conflict! Conflict!  Paul said something about men with the same sex.  Jesus Christ never said a word condemning Jonathan’s love of David and Naomi and Ruth.  Jesus also chose NOT to quote the same Hebrew texts which Paul quoted.  And if Jesus Christ quoted Sodom and Gomorrah, it was to inform us that God does not like building walls against aliens – strangers – because God does not tolerate the raping of men AND women in violent acts which put to shame those who visited Sodom and Gomorrah – the “strangers” … the “immigrants.”  If Jesus Christ had quoted from Genesis 19, he was telling us that God hates violent acts of rape.  Period.  Compare Genesis 19 to Judges 19.  In Judges 19, a rape REALLY occurs.  Rape is THREATENED at Genesis, but it does not occur.  And, so.  Tell me, Ms. Right Wing ignorant slut, that God approves of raping and killing women – because GOD never intervened in the story at Judges 19, where a woman was raped and murdered.  It makes no sense to me that God would interfere in an act at Sodom and Gomorrah where rape was only THREATENED, but not at the story at Judges 19.  Makes no sense, Ms. ignorant slut.

And, Ms. Ignorant Slut, Dana Loesch.  Tell me.  Do you support the once-enforced Dixie Jim Crow Laws (until the Federal government stepped in) when a white MAJORITY subjected a black MINORITY to lynchings and unequal treatment?  People voted for those laws – except the minority.  And when a black person wanted services at a restaurant or other business, they were denied, according to the Jim Crow laws.  Because if you support a baker who denies service to a gay couple getting married, you support Jim Crow Laws.  And stubbornly ignorant folks used the Bible to justify those laws, which are false interpretations.  Deceit and being false against the word of God.  That’s blasphemy.  But it’s preached, along with hate based on STUBBORN IGNORANCE, in right-wing churches.

I ask.  Who really are the “godless” ones?  I see left-wing people who reject religious organizations which don’t preach the truth.  But they don’t reject God.  Amen and Allelujah!  So, Ms. Ignorant Slut, Dana Loesch, be careful what you preach because you might be struck by lightning.


Speaking for a PROGRESSIVE AMERICA and HUMANITY AND CIVILIZATION, not stubborn ignorance which leads to hatred and a fascist government of the mob, not the people.

False Judgments

Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:  1 – 17; Deuteronomy 5: 4 – 21

  1. Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
  2. Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven image.
  3. Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD the GOD in vain.
  4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
  5. Honour thy father and thy mother.
  6. Thou shall not kill.
  7. Thou shall not commit adultery.
  8. Thou shall not steal.
  9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.
  10. Thou shalt not covet.

My colleagues and I who are professionals in education have been rendered with “false witness against thy neighbor.”  By whom?  Rick Scott and many who proclaim they “have Jesus!”  Plus others who don’t.

My grandmother said, “judge not lest you be judged.”  So, Nanna, when false judgments are hurled at me and my professional colleagues, am I to remain stalwart in following what you advised me to do?

I COULD make some judgments here, after having false judgments passed on me.  I did not pass judgment on Rick Scott at the beginning, just made certain I got my butte to the voting booth, recognizing, unlike many who did not and are now complaining, the importance of voting.  But later, when I listened to Rick Scott’s friends lambast faculty at Palm Beach State College, I could not resist in joining the crowds who insist Rick Scott has also thumbed his nose at Commandment number 8.  Has he?  As with the lawyers of Jesus Christ’s days, we face manipulation of the truth.  I suppose Jesus Christ had no basis for calling these people “hypocrites?”  I guess I should say no more and plead the fifth!

Hypocrites and deception fall under, when you remove the sex part, Commandment number 7.  Adultery IS deception.  Our sex-crazed world gets too tied up with the sex part and cannot recognize the deception part.  Rick Scott does not measure up well with Commandment number 7, either – with regard to DECEPTION and NOT speaking about sex.

We hope the man did not commit an offense contrary to Commandment number 6.

OK.  Sometimes I am not so good with Commandment number 3, even when I think I am getting away with something when I say, OMG!  Or GD – the worse!  Then again, is GD like saying, “Gee whiz” or “golly gee!”  or “darn it all?”  I know nothing about how Rick Scott handles this commandment.

Commandment number 2.  Society does too much of this one and Rick Scott is no exception.  The same can be said of number 10.  Materialism and “keeping up with the Joneses!”  Envy, jealousy, pride.  1 Timothy emphasizes the “love of money” as the “root” of “evil” or “all kinds of injurious things.”  Is this not like making a “graven image?”  Worship of money rather than GOD?  I think so.  Where does Rick Scott, the man who BOUGHT his election, stand on this one?

Also Commandment 1.  “No other gods.”  Rick Scott and his tea party “gods” of the Koch brothers and others.  Fleshly “gods” are more important to Rick Scott than the true God.  More important than the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Whoops!  There I go… making a judgment.  Sorry Nanna!

Douglas Cornwell

Tioga Herald